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Our Leadership

Past Leadership of NATJL

From 1997 to 2018

His Honor William B. Metzgar

Re-organizing Leader 1997-2003

His Honor J. Boima Kontoe

Interim President 2003-2007

His HonorYussif D. Kaba

President 2007- 2009

His Honor James W. Zota Jr.

President 2010-2012

His Honor James E. Jones

President 2012-2014 & 2014-2016

His Honor Roosevelt Z.Willie

President 2016-2018 & 2018-2020

Her Honor Eva Mappy Morgan

President 2020-2022

NATJL Present Officers


Her Honor Nancy Finda Sammy - President, NATJL

Tel.: 0886523526

His Honor Adio Blamo Dixon - First Vice President Judges Affairs- NATJL


His Honor Cllr. Karsor Zubah - Vice President Magistrates Affairs, NATJL

Tel.: 0886553977/0777553977

His Honor L. Ben Barco - General Secretary, NATJL​

Tel.: +231 880885414 / +231 7777057321

His Honor J. Mulbah Harris - Financial Secretary - NATJL


His Honor Gabriel F. Ndupellar - Asst. Sec. Gen - NATJL


Her Honor Sally M. Fofanah - Treasurer, NATJL

Tel.: 0886651772/0770026367

His Honor Jefford Torborh - Chaplain General - NATJL


Maggi - Senior Administrator, NATJL Secretariat - NATJL

Tel.: 0886517731

President Message

Dear Colleagues and Stakeholders:
As President of the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia (NATJL), we wish to extend profound greetings on behalf of the Leadership Team.
Since our inception we have embarked on the process of building on the gains of our predecessors and transitioning our Association to a more contemporary organization in tune with the trending digital age. This proactive approach is needed to keep in touch with the current challenges faced by all Trial Judges in dispensing justice with independence, integrity and consistency within the Liberian Jurisprudence while working within the framework of many of the international instruments signed by our government. We cannot overemphasize that the role of the NATJL in seeking the wellbeing and maintaining the independence, neutrality, dignity and security of Judges has never been more relevant and important for Trial Judges faced with these difficulties across the nation and the global community.
The changes around us—whether social, political, technological, scientific, economic or otherwise—require that we help our society navigate through a new and increasingly complex legal landscape which profoundly impacts access to justice, adherence to the rule of law and judicial security. As members of our communities, and the legal profession at large we as Trial Judges are responsible to help shape those new legal environments. Our terrific NATJL community of professionals, including all relevant stakeholders and justice actors is a network on which we have become increasingly reliant when facing these new encounters. Your resilience and passion to dispense and support the rule of law irrespective of the various constraints is the source of our nation’s civil stability and growth.
As President, we are proud of our successes over the last 22 (twenty-two) months, and it is our hope that the succeeding leadership will be focused particularly in providing more opportunities for our members by introducing innovative programs and relevant technology, while providing professional development and legal outreach opportunities in the sub region and beyond. Permit us to highlight a few of the leadership accomplishments over the last 22 months : i) Developed a ‘SMART’ fiscal and administrative policy document; ii) Launched a dynamic website and online visibility for several courts via cloud computing; iii) Developed Staff Loan policy document; iv) Developed Mobile Money Loan Policy document; v) Ensured timely response through Press Releases on matters affecting the NATJL; vi) Opened a WhatsApp chat room for ease of communication, knowledge sharing and dissemination of information; vii) Triggered and lead initiative on garnering support for NATJL members experiencing life threatening medical issues; viii) Made charitable donations of food, masks and other materials to The Antoinette Tubman Chesire Home, located at 10th Street Sinkor, The JFK Maternity Ward and the Monrovia Central Prison at the onset of the COVID 19 Crisis. Meanwhile, we maintained our relationship with the International Association of Judges (IAJ), and made financial contribution to the women Judges of Afghanistan, amongst others.
To all members of the NATJL we say Thank you! We thank you for your continued participation and enthusiasm in our professional community. Also, we say many thanks to all justice actors, partners and relevant stakeholders for your incredible support. advice and resources provided towards enhancing the rule of law in Liberia and the effective administration of justice. We thank the Vice President of Judges’ Affairs, NATJL His Honor Scheaplor R. Dunbar, the Secretary General, His Honor, L. Ben Barco, and all members of the Executive Committee for their tireless work on behalf of our Association.
Finally, we like to give special appreciation to the esteemed Chief Justice His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. and the Associate Justices of the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia for their unwavering support to the mentioned National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia.
Thank you all!
Wishing You a successful 2022!

Her Honor Judge Eva Mappy Morgan
President, NATJL
Chief Judge, Commercial Court of Liberia
Associate Professor, Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law

Thank you all! Wishing You a successful 2022!

"Her Honor Judge Eva Mappy Morgan President, NATJL Chief Judge, Commercial Court of Liberia Associate Professor, Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law".